Walking is like slithering: A unifying, data-driven view of locomotion
Zhao, B A
Bittner, G
Clifton, and
2 more authors
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, May 2022
Legged movement is ubiquitous in nature and of increasing interest for robotics. Most
legged animals routinely encounter foot slipping, yet detailed modeling of multiple
contacts with slipping exceeds current simulation capacity. Here we present a principle
that unifies multilegged walking (including that involving slipping) with slithering and
Stokesian (low Reynolds number) swimming. We generated data-driven principally
kinematic models of locomotion for walking in low-slip animals (Argentine ant, 4.7%
slip ratio of slipping to total motion) and for high-slip robotic systems (BigANT
hexapod, slip ratio 12 to 22%; Multipod robots ranging from 6 to 12 legs, slip ratio
40 to 100%). We found that principally kinematic models could explain much of the
variability in body velocity and turning rate using body shape and could predict walking
behaviors outside the training data. Most remarkably, walking was principally kinematic
irrespective of leg number, foot slipping, and turning rate. We find that grounded walk-
ing, with or without slipping, is governed by principally kinematic equations of motion,
functionally similar to frictional swimming and slithering. Geometric mechanics thus
leads to a unified model for swimming, slithering, and walking. Such commonality
may shed light on the evolutionary origins of animal locomotion control and offer new
approaches for robotic locomotion and motion planning.